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Baker Bea

  • Baker Bea

    Maternity Leave Ending

    I promise that I’m still alive, y’all. Here’s the thing, I have to go back to work tomorrow and I’m really struggling with it. I always knew I would struggle with this but goodness, that was the fastest 12 weeks of my life. Before Baker arrived I could never comprehend the love I would feel for her and just how much I will miss spending my days with her. I’m feeling major mom guilt that we will be sending her to a sitter because I feel like someone else will be raising my child and it literally breaks my heart. Maybe it will get easier, but every time she looks…

  • Baker Bea

    Baker’s Newborn Photos

    Happy Friday, friends! Are y’all tired of me sharing endless photos of Baker yet? No? Well, good because now that her nursery has been revealed, I can share her newborn photos! I have a friend at work who’s husband shoots on the side, Lazear Photography, and he did our newborn photos when Baker was two weeks old. I had hoped for the sweet sleepy photos but our girl was wide awake most of the time. But it’s all good because I have all the heart eyes for these sweet pictures as a new family of three (or six if you want to include the dogs).

  • Baker Bea,  Home Tour

    Baker Bea’s Nursery

    I’m officially way overdue for this post seeing as Baker is almost two months old. But when I went to the hospital at 35 weeks and 5 days, I had no idea I wouldn’t be returning home without a baby. Needless to say, her nursery still needed a few finishing touches that didn’t get finished until she was a few weeks old. Heck, it’s still not 100% done (we still need a lamp and a foot stool) but Baker’s nursery is done enough to share with y’all! I will try and source everything as I go but if I forget something, shoot me an email and I’ll be happy to…

  • Baker Bea,  Baker's First Year

    Baker Bea | 1 month

    ONE. Where have these last four weeks gone?  I feel like we just came home from the hospital and there is no way we have been new parents to this perfect baby girl for that long already. She really is perfect–as I’m sure all parents would say of their sweet new baby. This has easily been the best (and most difficult) month of our lives but I wouldn’t trade this time with Baker Bea.