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Baker's First Year

  • Baker Bea,  Baker's First Year

    Baker Bea | 3 Months

    Go ahead and officially call me the worst blogger ever! This post is, again, a month behind (seriously, she was 4 MONTHS on 11/8) but I’m having the hardest time adjusting to being a working mom and still finding time to do things like blog or shower regularly. #motherhood But, I really want to remember these days so I’m composing this post from the notes I’ve jotted down in my phone the past few weeks. Also, Cory is chiming in today because this mama needed some help! Three. Three whole months with our gal! Month three was such a bittersweet month. We slowly saw our newborn baby fading away and a…

  • Baker Bea,  Baker's First Year

    Baker Bea | 2 months

    Two. Holy cow, y’all. That time, she’s a thief. While I love seeing our girl grow and develop into her own little self, it makes me so sad that the sweet newborn moments are quickly fading away. Baker was two months old on September 8th (I’m just a little behind. Ahem.) and boy, has she changed over the last month. Most noticeably? That hair, y’all. It’s completely un-tamable and I love it!

  • Baker Bea,  Baker's First Year

    Baker Bea | 1 month

    ONE. Where have these last four weeks gone?  I feel like we just came home from the hospital and there is no way we have been new parents to this perfect baby girl for that long already. She really is perfect–as I’m sure all parents would say of their sweet new baby. This has easily been the best (and most difficult) month of our lives but I wouldn’t trade this time with Baker Bea.