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  • Five on Friday,  Rwanda

    Five on Friday: Rwanda Edition

    Happy Friday y’all! I’m slowly getting back in the swing of things which is both a relief and sad at the same time. I’m fighting “normal” life as much as possible but some things are bound and determined to go back to the way they were before our trip to Rwanda. Since I’ve only shared just a few pictures from the trip, I thought I would kick off my recaps and share five {of many} things I loved about Rwanda. ONE | The fabulous four.   I can’t say enough wonderful things about our group. Cory and I were extremely nervous about leading our first group with Barnabas X but we couldn’t have…

  • Rwanda

    I’m back…sorta.

    Where do I even begin??? The past three weeks have been an absolute blur. I blinked and before I knew it, I’m back from Rwanda in the comfort of my own home, going to work every day. I really thought this transition back into normal life would be easier but I never imagined I would struggle with it like I have. I knew the jet lag would be bad but my body has had a really hard time adjusting back to the six hour time change. On top of an already busy two weeks in Rwanda, the 30 hour travel time {17 of that being on an airplane} was exhausting. Every night, I’ve…

  • Rwanda

    Today- The Day We Leave for Rwanda.

    The day has come- the day that we’ve prayed for, cried over and fought for and after many months of planning, today is the day we leave for Rwanda.   I’m a big ball of emotions right now ranging from excitement to nervousness with a little bit of anxiety and exhaustion mixed in there. I do feel better now that my bags are packed and everything is squared away with the dogs but I’m a worrier by nature. I must have said a hundred times this weekend “I’ll feel better when I’ve got everything together” or “I’m just ready to be there so I can stop worrying about it”. Worrying…

  • Rwanda

    Stuck on the Roof No Mo

    This past weekend Barnabas X had our big “Stuck on the Roof” fundraiser and we were overwhelmed at the response and love that was poured out to us. Our original goal on Friday was $1500 and we planned on staying on the roof of my dads store until we raised it. After two hours, we had already surpassed $1500 so we got brave and decided to raise our goal to $4000. Go big or go home, right? Last minute prep work Thursday night. I had to work Friday morning so I stole these pictures from Facebook. I can’t say how much we appreciate everyone helping us set up. It was…