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  • Rwanda,  Thankful Thursday


    My heart is filled this morning as I scroll through pictures of Cory’s trip to Rwanda last summer. I long to be there and September seems like it’s an eternity away. It’s a weird feeling to look at these precious faces and feel like I already know them. I’ve heard Cory’s stories time and time again and often find myself speaking about Rwanda as if I’ve been there. How can I feel so strongly for people I’ve never met, in a country I’ve never been to? Now that we are on the upside of our July fiasco and actively planning a trip in September, it brings tears to my eyes…

  • Rwanda

    Trusting Without Borders

    via Sunday at church we sang Oceans by Hillsong and I’ve heard this song at least a dozen times on the radio but after the past two weeks, I was consumed with guilt and knew The Lord was speaking directly to me. I felt so convicted that I was overcome with emotion and couldn’t help the tears forming in my eyes and rolling down my face. So let me explain… Two weeks ago, I was finishing sealing the last 40 of our support letters when I got a call from Cory and the first thing he says is “we’ve got a problem.” A million things rushed through my head but…

  • Rwanda

    Tuesday Tea: Beggin’ for Money

    Well, not really beggin’ but we kinda are. If you’ve followed this little blog of mine since last year, you may already know that Cory and I are going to Africa this summer. Last summer, Cory spent two weeks in Rwanda and we will be heading back in June. I was heartbroken when I couldn’t go last year and swore to myself I wouldn’t stay home again. With planning in full swing comes the tedious task of support letters. #lifeofamissionary Thank goodness, I’ve got a husband who can write like nobody’s business. Since he wrote our letter {and has been working 72+ hours/week} I thought it was only fair for…

  • Rwanda
    Cory,  Rwanda


    Hey guys, this is Cory, writing my first guest post here. Paige asked me if I would mind telling a little about my trip to Rwanda. It’s been a long time coming, partly because I’m a procrastinator and partly because I don’t know how to condense such a life-changing experience with so much to tell into one blog post. I put it off as long as I could, until Paige threatened my life for breaking my promise to do this, so…here goes. My trip to Rwanda was a joint mission trip with Barnabas X and Reach the Children of Rwanda International. A little background summary on why we went: RCRI…