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    Last Minute Packer

    If packing is what you want to call it. It’s more me running around the house like a tornado, stressing and actin a fool while throwing whatever I can think of in my bag. So, you can probably guess who isn’t packed for a weekend in Gatlingburg. *hand raised* Did I mention we are leaving in an hour? We’ve taken a good many weekend trips where we leave right after work and for some reason I just can’t pack the night before. I know that I’ll need the majority of my toiletries the next morning and I always tell myself that I will get up early enough to get ready…

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    Sass, Class & Compassion Tour

    This past Sunday our church hosted The Sass, Class & Compassion Tour with Mandy Hale {The Single Woman} and Jaime Jamgochian {Modest is Hottest}. The past couple of weeks have been spent planning and preparing for a fun girls night out and I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we had a blast! Mandy and Jaime are two of the sweetest people I’ve ever met and they both have a passion for serving the Lord. I may or may not have freaked a little when I met Mandy because she is the first “real” {as in full time} blogger I’ve met. It was great evening to…

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    Happy Birthday, Mom!

    The past five days have been a wild ride full of emotion, hair pulling, sleepless nights and lots of DIY but I will be back to tell you ALL about it later this week. Today I wanted to take the time to wish my very favorite woman, my mom, a very happy birthday. I think a lot of women are close to their moms and I pray that everyone is lucky enough to have a mom like mine. I’m very fortunate to be able to say that she really is my best friend and for the most part, we’ve always been that way. She has always been such a Godly…

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    Our First Trip to IKEA

    For the past couples months, I’ve been itching to go to IKEA. We’ve talked about going a few times but it seemed like every time we would start to plan a trip, something else would take precedence. This past weekend we finally had a semi-free Saturday because Cory’s work schedule got shifted around last minute so we decided to take advantage of it and headed on down to IKEA. We are about an hour and 1/2 to two hours away from Atlanta depending on how fast you drive how bad traffic is but thankfully it wasn’t too bad (or Mr. Sloan was driving really fast). I felt like a kid…