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    Friday Night Shenanigans

    Some may think that a young couple like Cory and me would be living it up on Friday night. It’s the weekend so we should celebrate, right?  Oh, we celebrate. Toys “R”Us style. I’m sure one day we will dread going in there but for now, it’s still Cory’s favorite place.  If you know Cory at all, you know he is an action figure fanatic. He grew up collecting action figures and reading comic books. Maybe he is a little nerdy but I love my nerd! At some point in the past ten years, he has lost the majority of his action figure collection and has made it his mission to…

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    Holy muscles.

    A few months ago, I started feeling a little self conscious about my body. I’ve never been the type of girl who stressed over what the scale says but I could feel myself rotting away from laziness. I started to do some research into clean eating and when I mentioned it to Cory, he was totally game. So I joined the gym on campus and started planning each meal with a clean menu. And then Cory’s trip to Africa got here. The week before was so busy that I didn’t have time to cook or go to the gym. Every night we had something going on. While Cory was on…

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    Saying Goodbyes

     I hate goodbyes. Hate them. I understand hate is a strong word but I think saying goodbyes deserves it.  I don’t do well with change and goodbyes typically lead to some kind of major change. We’ve known about this goodbye for 4 or 5 months but last weekend we finally had to face it as we said goodbye to Cory’s brother Caleb and his girlfriend, Anna. They packed up and headed out West for grad school.    We are very proud and excited for them but it does stink that they have moved 20 hours away. Caleb went to University of South Carolina for his bachelors’ degree, which is about…

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    He’s coming home!!!

    Let me just say, I can’t wait for my husband to get home. After two long weeks, he is coming home today!  Being that I am so Type A, the past couple days have been very stressful. See, I like to have everything laid in stone planned out. I don’t handle changes very well especially when it involves my husband not getting to come home at his scheduled time. I wish I could be more like Cory because stuff like this doesn’t bother him. Anyways, their flight from Nairobi, Kenya to Zurich was canceled due to a fire at the airport. They were told everything would be fine and they…