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It’s who I am. Who are you?

Who I am

One thing I’ve noticed during my short time blogging, is compared to others, I’m an awful wife.

It’s so easy to compare yourself to others and forget that most people only put the “good” up on their blogs. I’m guilty of it. But in reality I’m not like that at all. Does it make me worse of a wife that I’m not up at 4:30 am every day and going to the gym three times a week? Or managing a full time job, able to keep a clean house and prepare dinner every night? Am I a bad wife because I’ve only cooked a handful of times that past couple months and it was a Bertolli meal and a Stouffer’s lasagna?

Honestly, I question how women get it all done. I feel like I don’t have enough time to get half {or even a quarter} of what other bloggers get done. Most days I’m not even put together…I wake up later than I need to, throw my hair up, and rush off to work. The past couple months, I’ve barely kept my head above water. 

Facebook postIf you follow me on Facebook, you might have seen this post on Monday.

This is who I am. I. need. sleep.

I’ve always been this way and my mom and dad can vouch for that. I thought I would grow out of being {and needing} to sleep in late but at 26, I haven’t yet. Yes, Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest but let’s face it, between church and our community group, Sunday’s are often our busiest days. So when Monday rolls around, I rest. 

And by rest I mean I don’t even get out of my pajama’s. Sure, I could get up at the crack of dawn and go to the gym {which I plan to start going back to the gym just not at the crack of dawn} but that’s not me. I could fill my day of rest with errands and going 100 miles an hour {and sometimes I have too} but that’s not me. I could have a hot meal ready for Cory when he gets home from work but again, that’s definitely not me! 

Do I admire the bloggers that seem to have it all under control? Absolutely. Do I strive to be a better wife? Every day. I’d love to be able to do it all but how unrealistic is it to set “it all” as my goal? That’s asking to fail.  

So I’ve come to the conclusion that I like me. I don’t mind that I’m not a morning person or that I like to stay in pj’s all day or that I hate cooking. I like who I am and you should too {like yourself, of course but if you like who I am than let’s be friends!}. God designed us all perfectly so why should we try and change what He created? We should embrace the person that He made us and stop comparing ourselves to others. As a blogger and a woman, it’s important to be reminded that who I am is enough.

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