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  • Family,  Travel

    Tybee Island 2018 part 2

    Back in June, I shared part 1 of our Tybee Island mini vacation with my parents. Life got crazy hectic preparing for Rwanda, so I’m just now sharing part 2 (which was the 2nd full day/last day- it was a very mini vacation). Like I said in my first post, I had intended to keep these posts short but Baker is so stinking cute and I took way too many photos to get it in one post (or even two).

  • Rwanda

    Rwanda 2017 | Days 4 and 5

    Welcome back to days 4 and 5 of our Rwanda 2017 trip. Whew! That’s a mouthful. We are 7 days out from Rwanda 2018 and I’m feeling very unorganized and a tad bit stressed. I’m ready to be on the ground again; however, we have so much to do the next week. Working on these posts just makes me not want to pack or prepare anymore, and just hop on the plane and GO! Wednesday | October 18th When we woke up on Wednesday morning, we looked outside for the shoes that most of us had left out the night before. Not seeing them, we assumed they were still being…

  • Family,  Travel

    Tybee Island 2018 part 1

    A few weeks ago, my parents decided to head down to Tybee Island to spend a few days with my grandparents, who were spending the week down there. They found an Airbnb and had an extra bedroom, so Baker and I crashed their beach trip. Cory couldn’t get the time off from work since he will be out for two weeks in July for Rwanda, and we missed him like crazy, but enjoyed a chance to get a short vacation in this summer. I had intended to keep this beach recap to one post but then I realized I took almost 300 photos in the four days we were there…

  • Baker Bea,  Family

    Family Photos: Baker is (almost) 2!

    Since Baker will be two the beginning of next month (how is this even possible???), we were due for updated family pictures. The last professional ones we had of her were her one year old pictures and we haven’t had family pictures done since her first Christmas. We used our trusty, go-to photographer, Chase Todd. He’s done all of Baker’s photos, and he absolutely blew these out of the water. He does some of the best work in our area and is so patient with our very dramatic, temperamental two year old. If you live in Upstate SC, I highly recommend using Chase for all of your photography needs.