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Thankful Thursday

The Time We Had a Bird Loose in Our House

Yeah, that really happened.


You see, the time we had a bird loose in our house is the sequel to the time we got home from our vacation to find that our 29 year old A/C unit had decided to retire. Nothing says “welcome home” quite like having to drop a couple thousand dollars on a new unit.

And that would be why all our windows were open yesterday and the bird was able to get in the house. Thankfully, we live in an area where our belongings {and our dogs} are safe to leave at the house all day with the windows up.

20140529-141306-51186071.jpgYes, that would be a yoga mat {still in it’s package} hidden underneath our couch.

The devil has really been working hard this week and he’s been succeeding. Not gonna lie, there’s been some crying this week and not the pretty kind, either. BUT it’s weeks like this that make me so thankful to have such wonderful people in our lives. Amber was a trooper and stayed at our house, with the dogs, without air conditioner for the majority of the weekend. And our friend Nick saved the day {twice} yesterday. He so graciously let us borrow a window unit and while dropping it off, Cory recruited him to help chase that stupid bird out of our house.


Until we can get our A/C looked at, the window unit is our only source of cool air and you better believe my butt slept on the couch last night.

Just in case you’re wondering, when a wild bird gets in your house and spends the day chilling on your couch rather than trying to escape, you find bird poop all over your house. You’ve been warned.

So, even though I thought I would have the next part of our love story and our vacation recap up, they’ve taken a backseat to things like bird escapades. There just isn’t enough time during the day, y’all! I promise I’ll get caught up…soon!Thankful Thursday


  • Carly Blogs Here

    Oh my gosh! I would have been freaking out! But it’s totally one of those things when freaking out and being upset will not help the situation! So glad you had friends that were able to help out! I can’t wait to hear about your vacation recap when you have it done :)

    • Paige Sloan

      #bloggerfail for taking so long to respond…so sorry! Friends are awesome for weeks like last week! But your totally right, freaking out would have just made it worse. I’m just glad there was no poop on my couch! My vacation recap is finally up and I hope you enjoy it!

  • Maggie@ Polka dots in the Country

    Aww you poor thing, I hope things get better! I don’t know what it was with wild animals this week with your bird incident and Corey and I are dealing with a bear. Too crazy! I hope you can relax some this weekend, sounds like you and Cory deserve it.

  • Katelyn @ Real Housewife of Greenville

    Oh my! Not at all something you want to come home to! Thank goodness for such good friends that can lend a hand, or a window unit, whatevs.:)

    We had a bird fly in and out of our house before and definitely left his “mark” right on Ian’s computer haha!

    Have a great weekend and hope you all cool down soon!

    • Paige Sloan

      So sorry I’m just replying…#blogger fail! That window unit saved our butts for the past week. It was actually kind of fun to pull our mattress into the living room and have a pallet on the floor! BUT we’ve been finding his “marks” all over the house!

  • Julie Joy

    Haha! That is soo funny about the bird! I would be freaking out! I freak out when birds get into our garage or barn and then dive at you when you walk in the door. Lol. good luck with the ac!

    • Paige Sloan

      Aw! I stink for just replying…sorry love! We did get the air fixed!!! Thank goodness! The grossest part is we keep finding bird poop in random spots all over the house like my kitchen cabinet!

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