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Five on Friday

Five on Friday: Confessional Friday

Happy Friday, my friends. And I’m saying that with a big ‘ole sigh of relief because it’s been one of those weeks. Karli over at September Farm gave me some inspiration to switch things up, so this Friday I’m linking up with Darci, Christina, April and Natasha to confess five things you probably don’t know about me.Five on Friday

1 | I’m a messy person. I fail daily at being a “good” housewife. Messes, clutter and a dirty house may bother some people, like Cory, but not me. Honestly, I only pick up after myself {sometimes} because I know messes give my OCD husband mini panic attacks. I’m perfectly okay with having every pair of shoes I own laying underneath the coffee table from where I come in, sit on the couch and kick them off.

2 | I should really be a blonde. Anyone who knows me from high school knows that I’ve said some really stupid stuff. My dad always told me that “no one knows how stupid you are until you open your mouth” and boy, was he right. I used to be a lot worse than I am now. My freshman year in high school, while giving an oral report on ‘Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl’ I stood in front of my entire Honors English class and said “Over the summer, I read the diary of Anne Frank but I can’t remember who the author is.” Between the blank stares turned hysterical laughter, nobody heard me explain that what I meant was I couldn’t remember who wrote the introduction. It’s Eleanor Roosevelt, by the way.

3 | I’m a TV junkie. My addiction to TV has gotten slightly better since I have this blog to occupy a good bit of my time but it can still get bad. Netflix was the best and worst thing to ever happen to me. I love the fact that I can watch episode after episode but hate that I lose days {seriously} to whatever show I’m currently watching. Just to name a few that I’ve fallen trap to…Army Wives, Grey’s Anatomy, Friday Night Lights, Pretty Little Liars, The Walking Dead and Dexter.

4 | I hate getting ready so much so that the majority of the week, I don’t. Now please don’t mistake me for being a dirty person because I do bathe every day but find it extremely difficult to muster up the energy to get ready for work. My makeup routine is very basic, my hair normally air drys on my way and most days I pull it back when I get there. So you can imagine how flattered I was the other day when one of our student workers told me I smelt good.  That was until he finished up his sentence with “do you use Gain?” Why yes, yes I do.

5 | I’m a sucker for dogs. All dogs. It literally breaks my heart to see dogs on the street. And on more than one occasion, I’ve been in tears as we’ve driven past them because Cory’s told me “No, we can’t take them home.” It’s always been a dream of mine to have a dog rescue or a big enough house/yard to foster dogs. And if I’m being completely honest, I’m a sucker for all things dogs. My wallet {and my pups} often hate my trips to Petsmart because in reality do my dogs really need another superhero t-shirt? No, but I absolutely couldn’t pass on the seersucker bow ties I found for my two southern gentlemen. Hello, family spring pictures!


So, there you have it. Five embarrassing, but true, things you probably didn’t know about me before reading this post. After I got started, new confessions started filling my head so I’m sure I’ll be back at some point with some more of these! Until then, I’m going to enjoy a weekend filled with a whole lot of nada! Hope you lovely ladies have a fabulous weekend!


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